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Social Sciences

Dergi Kapağı
Social Sciences

Serial No. : 3C
ISSN No : 1308-7444
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues

This journal is an open access journal. The articles are published in full text in the NWSA Index system. For the full text of the article, the NWSA Index should be visited. This journal conforms to the BOAI criteria. This journal, Conservation and Repair of Finance Cultural Assets, Archive, Health Institution Management, Labor Economics and Industrial Communication, Landscape Architecture, Econometrics, Library, Economics, Business-Operational, Home Economics, Social Services, City and Regional Planning and Actuarial, Demography accepts scientific scientific research from collections and translations in disciplines.


Aim and Scope

Social Sciences is an international refereed e-journal. It is one of the sub-series of E-Journal NWSA Academic Journals and it has ISSN 1308-7444. NWSA Academic Journals is a member of PILA (The Publishers International Linking Association). The journal’s DOI number is 10.12739. Also, NWSA has a trademark registration certificate since 2013. Social Sciences is open to any kind of constructive, creative and innovative opinions providing that they contribute to universal science and technology. It is a quarterly (January, April, July and October) and it accepts essays written in Turkish, German, English and French. Social Sciences Finance, Conservation and Restoration of Portable Cultural Property, Archive, Health Institutions Management, Labor Economics and Industrial Communication, Demography, Landscape Architecture, Econometrics, Library, Economics, Business-Operational, Home Economics, Social Services, City and Regional Planning and Actuarial It includes interesting application, research and survey studies together with original scientific research consisting of collections and translations in such disciplines.


Article Evaluation Stages

First Review: Preliminary Review

Control of the submitted article according to journal publication and writing rules.

Similarity analysis (iThenticate) of the article is done.

Articles with more than 25% similarity are rejected.

Second Review: Editing and Refereeing Process

Assessing of the scientific content of the article.

Review of the article by at least two blind referees.

Restructuring of the article according to the opinions of the referees.

Review by field editors and advisers.

Third Review: Publishing Process

Examination of the article by the editorial board.

Taking the article to print and preparation for publication


Copyright Form

The Copyright Form will be downloaded from the journal system during the article upload phase, and will be signed by the responsible author and uploaded to the system.


Types of Articles Accepted

Research Article, Case Report, Review


Publication Period

January, April, July, October


Contact Information

Publisher: NWSA Academic Journals


E-Mail: nwsa.akademi@hotmail.com

Telephone:  +90(533) 652 66 86

Address-1: (Suggested)P.K. 23 Elazığ-Türkiye

 Address-2:Lise Caddesi No:88/7 İlkadım/Samsun-Türkiye

# Title Name Institution Access
1 Prof.Dr. Nihal  YAYLA Pamukkale University OrcID | ResearchGate |
Assistant Editors
# Title Name Institution Access
1 Prof.Dr. Ekrem  KARAYILMAZLAR Pamukkale Üniversitesi
2 Prof.Dr. Haci  DURAN İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
3 Prof.Dr. Hasan Altan  CABUK Çukurova Üniversitesi
4 Prof.Dr. İsmail KİCÜKAKSOY Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
5 Prof.Dr. Kenan  CELIK Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
6 Prof.Dr. Mehmet ZAMAN Atatürk Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
7 Prof.Dr. Ömer ÇAHA Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
8 Prof.Dr. Selma  CELİKYAY Bartın Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
Editorial Board
# Title Name Institution Access
1 Prof.Dr. Canan  CETİN Marmara Üniversitesi
2 Prof.Dr. Cihan ÇOBANOĞLU University of South Florida ResearchGate |
3 Prof.Dr. Filiz Nurhan ÖLMEZ Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
4 Prof.Dr. M. Nedim  BAYUK Harran Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
5 Prof.Dr. Mehmet Ali ULUBAŞOĞLU Deakin University ResearchGate |
6 Prof.Dr. Melda ÖZDEMİR Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University OrcID | ResearchGate |
7 Prof.Dr. Murat ATAN Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
8 Prof.Dr. Mustafa  OZTURK Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi OrcID | ResearchGate |
9 Prof.Dr. Nuray  OZDIPCINER Pamukkale Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
10 Prof.Dr. Ömer AYTAÇ Fırat Üniversitesi
11 Prof.Dr. Reha  SAYDAN Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
12 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Aliye Fatma MATARACI Al Akhawayn University OrcID | ResearchGate |
13 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Erkan Turan DEMİREL Fırat Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. ResearchGate |
14 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hans W. GIESSEN Universitat des Saarlandes
15 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hatice  DAYAR Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi ResearchGate |
16 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Yasar  KAYA İnönü Üniversitesi
17 Assist.Prof.Dr. Cem  AYDEN Fırat Üniversitesi
18 Dr. Franc VIDIC Naklo Biotechnical Center ResearchGate |
Editorial Secreteries
# Title Name Institution Access
1 Expert Yayın Sekreterliği NWSA OrcID | ResearchGate |
Desk Editor
# Title Name Institution Access
1 Expert Sadik Sezgin OZAN Enerya Enerji AŞ. OrcID | ResearchGate |
# Volume Issue Issue Published Date  
1 2 2 1.04.2007 List
2 2 3 1.07.2007 List
3 2 4 1.10.2007 List
4 3 1 1.01.2008 List
5 3 2 1.04.2008 List
6 3 3 1.07.2008 List
7 3 4 1.10.2008 List
8 4 1 1.01.2009 List
9 4 2 1.04.2009 List
10 4 3 1.07.2009 List
11 4 4 1.10.2009 List
12 5 1 1.01.2010 List
13 5 2 1.04.2010 List
14 5 3 1.07.2010 List
15 5 4 1.10.2010 List
16 6 1 1.01.2011 List
17 6 2 1.04.2011 List
18 6 3 1.07.2011 List
19 6 4 1.10.2011 List
20 7 1 1.01.2012 List
21 7 2 1.04.2012 List
22 7 3 1.07.2012 List
23 7 4 1.10.2012 List
24 8 1 1.01.2013 List
25 8 2 1.04.2013 List
26 8 3 1.07.2013 List
27 8 4 1.10.2013 List
28 9 1 1.01.2014 List
29 9 2 1.04.2014 List
30 9 3 1.07.2014 List
31 9 4 1.10.2014 List
32 10 1 1.01.2015 List
33 10 2 1.04.2015 List
34 10 3 1.07.2015 List
35 10 4 1.10.2015 List
36 11 1 1.01.2016 List
37 11 2 1.03.2016 List
38 11 3 1.07.2016 List
39 11 4 1.10.2016 List
40 12 1 1.01.2017 List
41 12 2 1.04.2017 List
42 12 3 1.07.2017 List
43 12 4 1.10.2017 List
44 13 1 1.01.2018 List
45 13 2 1.04.2018 List
46 13 4 1.10.2018 List
47 14 1 1.01.2019 List
48 14 2 1.04.2019 List
49 14 3 1.07.2019 List
50 14 4 1.10.2019 List
51 15 4 1.10.2020 List
52 17 3 1.07.2022 List
53 17 4 1.10.2022 List
54 19 1 1.01.2024 List
55 19 2 1.04.2024 List
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